Everyone IS welcome!

Covenant Church delights in being a vibrant multiracial, inclusive, faith-community that is centered in Jesus Christ.

We are a dynamic congregation that celebrates the opportunity to do God’s will, be led by God’s love, and to offer God’s extravagant hospitality to ALL people.

All people means exactly that! REGARDLESS of ability, age, economic opportunity, ethnicity, gender preference, marital status, previous religious affiliation, race, sexual orientation, or social status in the larger community.

We love the statement in our denomination’s polity that says that: to not be welcoming is an offence to Jesus Christ, and causes a scandal to the Gospel. Everyone IS welcome, with the same welcome that Christ has welcomed us (Romans 15:7).

In fact, Jesus said that no one can even come to him unless the Father is drawing them (John 6:44). Therefore, who are we to even imagine standing in the way of the Father calling a beloved child home?

YES! We invite all who are seeking to know Jesus Christ into the full life and ministry of the church: to participate in worship, sacraments, fellowship, small groups, healing prayer, pastoral care, missions, ministries, and other opportunities within the life of the church.

As Christ has welcomed us, so we welcome YOU!

We are passionately committed to living together WITH YOU in this faith-family’s core values of commitment, faith, generosity, hospitality, love and respect: as we all seek to grow in Christ, celebrate God’s love, and extend God’s love to others.